July 1

To: Team LOLO

Date: 7/1/2022

Hey guys thank you for all of the work that you’ve been doing to take care of my mom. I am writing this so that we can better do anything better job of meeting her needs, as well as having a strong team where each member feels appreciate, valued and clearly understands the goals that need to be met.

Food – All humans need to eat. If you have ever skipped a meal, or tried to diet, you know what it is like to go too long without food. You get lightheaded, get a headache and you are cranky and tired. This also describes Dr. Price. I am disappointed to have to mention to you guys that my mom is a person just like you, and she does need to eat. Not just snacks, boost and bananas. She needs to eat 3 real meals and healthy snacks. I’ve spoken to each of you about it, but it was an eye opener to me to have to mention to you that she does need to eat real food, just like you. If cooking is a concern, please let me know.

Her doctor mentioned that she is generally healthy, but that her muscle loss and rapid memory decline is due to poor nutrition. It is also why she has the symptoms described above. Her Boost is a supplement, not a meal replacement. It is your responsibility to make sure that she eats well during your shift. We will be working on a meal plan, and trying to figure out things that she will eat, but the excuse of “she didn’t want anything” will be a reflection of what you were able to accomplish during your shift. Her meals will always consist of a protein and a fruit or vegetable. They don’t have to be big, but she has to eat at least 3 times a day.

Engagement – While you are at work, please remember that this is WORK. I want you to be relaxed and have time to sit and rest, but your time here is to meet the needs of the Dr. Lois. Each shift make sure to spend at least 1 hour actually sitting and talking with her, doing an activity or even folding clothes. The television should not be her only stimulation. Angela will be sharing tips on engaging and being therapeutic. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know.

Working Times – Going forward everyone will have a set schedule. Recently, working times and paid time off seemed to be confusing to some. To help with that, going forward there is no paid time off. Don’t worry, I do want you to reward you for excellence. The problem is that, what I offered as a gift, some people began to feel entitled to. I don’t know of many places that pay people to not work as often as we do, yet it began to feel like it was not appreciated.

Always remember that this is a job at my mom’s home. I hope that your time is peaceful and productive. I will never ask you to come in for free, because it is a job. Likewise, do not expect us to pay you to and you do not work. There will be a bit more structure in place so that everyone is clear on what should happen so that they can be confident and relaxed.

Certification – In the next few months we would like everyone on the team to have CNA training. Being able to handle emergency situations is important. There will be a bit of training by lead team members, and those who are certified will have access to greater pay.

Toya, Jontay, Tequilla and Queen, you guys have been there through a tough couple of months. Likewise, we have tried to keep you on payroll even when she was in the hospital to help you as well.

My instinct and that of my mom is to give first. Allowing you to have paid time off was a gift, but while you are here, you are at work. Your job is the care of Dr. Price. Being a companion and caregiver means that during your time in her home, she is your priority. We ask that you limit outside things that may challenge your ability to focus on being your best at work.

I appreciate your presence. Going forward my hope is that you are better equipped to create a safe environment for my mom and a peaceful work environment for yourself while you are here.

If you have any questions, please let me know directly.


615 5549190 / mpj@successlabhq.com


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