
I have been in broadcasting for so long, that I probably know you, or you know me! If not, here are my deets.

I have a 360 Consulting approach to developing healthier business. This takes the form of a 90-day intervention that includes: The first 30 days are an analysis of opportunities, challenges and best-practice integration. The 2nd 30 day period is for remedy intervention, and process improvement. In the last 30 day section we assess the intervention and make adjustments and celebrate success (there’s always success).

My clients in the 90-day module includes:

  • Three (3) On site visits
  • Unique Diagnosis, Remedy Intervention and Rehab for our client problem areas or success expansion
  • Weekly PD and Promotions calls to give your team connection with what is working in other markets.
  • Monthly sales coaching to update your sales pros on the latest technologies or insights into bringing in “low cost” revenue to your organization.
  • THE GM Briefing. The latest information on all areas [Engineering, Traffic, Staffing, Programming, Sales, Marketing,Promotions]. It arrives in your inbox to keep you updated and ahead of the curve so that you have the answers, before your team can ask!
  • On Demand – services that are tailored to your station, staff, and goals.

Because of the intensive commitment for my client’s success, I have a full roster, and have to limit the number of new stations. If you would like a referral or if you would like to have one of my region representatives reach out to you to find our next availability, please leave your information below.

My mission is to make sure that you reach yours!


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This is what I do every day. My job is to help you reach your goals and set new ones that keep your growth ever-expanding. So, let’s create a plan of success for…



A few of the amazing organizations I’ve worked with.

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