What Your Resume Whispers Behind Your Back

Every professional has had to put together a resume/CV or work portfolio. The goal is that it positively represents our accomplishments and work history. But what your resume whispers between the lines when you aren’t there is vitally important. Here are some things that your resume could be saying and ways to help.

You’re Not Relevant – Do you still have “works well with people”, “hard-worker”, or “quick learner” on your resume? These are all tells that your skill set is not relevant, and that you are in the 90’s way of thinking in today’s workplace. Make sure to use buzz words that are relevant to your field. But, stay away from being cliché.

Need help with keywords? Check out Resumes that Get Results .   I researched and listed some of the top job-specific keywords that your resume is scanned for before a person ever sees it.

Make sure to use buzz words that are relevant to your field.

You Don’t Have The Skills – Did you load up your cover letter with how much you are willing to learn from your new job and how you take direction well? This is a no-no. Companies are looking to hire people who can get the job done. Saying that you are a quick learner hurts you. Make sure to list the accomplishments that you have had in this field (paid or unpaid). Make sure to study your future company, so that you have a workable plan to discuss. This shows skill and initiative.

When you’re hiring someone to mow your lawn, if they said, “I am a quick learner”, would they get the job against someone who brought their own tools and know-how with them?  Stack the deck in your favor.

Study your future company, so that you have a workable plan to discuss.

You Keep Losing Jobs – Make sure to have good answers for any gaps in your resume. If you suffered a job loss, did you volunteer during this time? Make sure to list those experiences. When you are between jobs, it is a great time to volunteer in your field, or at local non-profits. These organizations could use your expertise, and you benefit by continuing to use your skills and showing your ability to give back.

If you have been jumping place to place because you can’t hold a job, it is important to do a gut check. Are you really where you should be?  Focus on finding your true career path. You may need more school or an internship to help get you going, but do it!  Nomads are homeless, you don’t want to end up that way.  Find your purpose (this could help).

When you are between jobs, it is a great time to volunteer in your field

You’re Dishonest – NEVER falsify your work history. One of the worst things that can happen in a job search, is that you are caught lying on your resume. This is not only wrong, it can  may cause you to lose your job and in some cases be grounds for legal action.  

Go through your resume carefully.  Confirm that the dates, job titles and locations are accurate. Make sure that you can confidently explain your duties at every organization.  It can be tempting to overstate your role from door greeter, to VP of Customer Engagement, but don’t do it.

You’re Not Too Smart – Typos are common errors, but in the case of your resume, they can be deadly.  If a computer scanner is weeding out everyone without SEO experience, and you mistakenly typed SOE, your resume will never get to human eyes.  Additionally, if it is riddled with typos, misspelled words and poor grammar, you may find your resume and chances of getting an interview in File 13 (the trash bin).

You Are A Great Candidate – This resume shows a clear work history that shows continual growth. Keywords relative to the position are easily seen at a glance. The job qualifications are met and highlighted. Contact information is accurate and professional (no guyluvschicks@666.com). There are no misspelled words and the font is at a readable size.  

There is so much competition for so few key positions.  Making sure your resume is singing your praises should be high on your list of priorities.

Before you give up on having a professional resume, there are many places that can help you.   Resumes that Get Results gives you great solutions to help make sure that your resume is working for you and not against you.

If you are sending out tons of resumes but not getting any interviews, those days are over. Here’s how you change the game!

0,Resumes that Get Results – e-Book

If you have a tip for success, please share! ‘d love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading. I do this because I believe in you! -MJ

Resource links

Resumes that Get Results

Increase your faith on the hunt – Scriptures on Joblessness that Can Change Your Life