Fundraising on Autopilot™

Fundraising on Autopilot

This is not a fundraising course.

Rather, this is not just a fundraising course.

(It’s way better than that.)

What is Fundraising on Autopilot™ ?


Here’s the fancy encyclopedia version:


Fundraising on Autopilot™ is a comprehensive online fundraising program that utilizes online tools to help nonprofits of all kinds, sizes and causes to raise more funds with less cost, less work and less donor fatigue.

Your cause can benefit from not having to pay for storage, shipping, or having to summon volunteers for mailing. You can also learn the unique system that frees you from having to pay for amazing donor gifts at all.

It begins with teaching organizations how to reach people with similar interests and turn your interesting nonprofit into an irresistible cause.



“Fundraising on Autopilot™ is a gold mine. The name says it all. Our organization was so tight on funds that we were not able to fulfill all of our thank you gift pledges as quickly as we would like. This program eliminated the need to have to buy, ship or store anything. Without having to pay for the gifts, we had more funds available to actually do our mission, and Michelle was so funny in opening our eyes to rethinking how we “love on” our donors!”
Deitra Smith, Young Leadership Institute


Instead of charging you thousands to do it for you one time, I teach you how to:


Develop your own fundraising machine

Connect with new and potential donors

Save your organization thousands and thousands of dollars.


All while making your job amazingly, less stressful.



Fundraising on Autopilot™ is where you learn how to fundraise 24/7 365 in a way that your donors and potential new members actually benefit.

Stress-free, beg-free, shipping-free, and in many cases, thank-you gifts are cost-free to you! Regardless of what your cause is, or how small your nonprofit, these things will work for you!

So, if you want to turn your casual community into dedicated donors and passionate partners…

You need Fundraising on Autopilot™ .



Instead of having to go to your donors over and over to request money, learn how to passively raise funds that help not only your cause, but your donors as well.



We make sure that you have the best digital fundraising tools available so that your donors never get tired of giving, and the gifts you offer are relevant and exciting for your members.



Get premiums at low and even no cost to your organization, so that you have more funds to actually accomplish your mission. Many organizations have fallen behind in being able to pay for the thank-you gifts promised, because of the needs of the organization. By decreasing this cost, more money goes into getting your cause done!


No more donor complaints about products that never arrived. We teach you how to create on demand delivery that gets to your audience immediately and issues can be handled with almost no cost to the organization. How about having fundraising items that your audience instinctively wants, without having to ship, warehouse, and in most cases, not even pay for?


Year-long Support

The course is yours forever, and it also comes with 12 months of connection to our Fundraising on Autopilot™ Mastermind. We bring thought leaders in community connectivity to you, along with great resources to help you grow.



Get around-the-clock access to other fundraisers for ideas and implementation strategies.


Ok.. Ok…. So how much is it? How does only $3700 sound?

Just Kidding!!!! It’s worth it, BUT IT’S WAAAYYYY NOT THAT!

We understand your budget, and the price is much more organization-friendly than that!!! Click the BUY NOW button below to get started at a price you won’t believe. (Registration ends when all 50 slots are filled. Or Friday 9/8 at 7:59pm Est.)

I created the Fundraising course that I wish I had when I consulted my first struggling nonprofit.


A Fundraising course that’s useful for nonprofit organizations, ministries, small businesses and anyone else seeking to grow their donor engagement.


A Fundraising course overflowing with effective, evergreen (always fertile) strategies that stand the test of time (and updates).


A Fundraising course that’s focused on boosting your donor engagement first so that you can accomplish the goals of your cause.


A Fundraising course that turns your casual community into dedicated donors and passionate partners and puts the fun in fundraising.

So who made this thing?



Hi, I’m Michelle Price-Johnson, creator of Fundraising on Autopilot™. I’m a broadcasting exec, leadership consultant, professor and organizational strategy expert and knowledge nerd. I’ve been consulting national and international businesses, nonprofits and world-changing individuals since 2005.

Leveraging the concepts I teach in this program, I grew my own business through thoughtful-engineering and socialy focused design. I’ve come to the rescue of multi-million dollar corporate giants, and small nonprofits. The commonality in both? How well you reach, understand and serve your customer, donor or client. I will show you how.

I have a degree in business, an MA in Leadership and am almost done with a PhD in Management.

Recently, I received a Leadership Award from The Wall Street Journal. (that’s me over there)



No Jedi mind tricks.

Pure study of challenges and successes, proven theory, and successful practice.

The Process

Studying the system, understanding the goals, researching and designing a plan of action, then nimbly [being agile enough to modify] doing the work.


My Why

I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my strategies with national and international corporations, nonprofits and super-charged individuals, but it was impossible for me to respond to as many requests for my service as I get… until now.


I get to share my tools with you through Fundraising on Autopilot ™.

What’s so special about Fundraising on Autopilot ™ ?

Watch the video to learn more.



As soon as I watched the first video, I called my Executive Director. We started laughing at how funny Michelle was, while getting so excited about implementing what she was telling us to do.

Now, the course is mandatory for all of our new development hires.

Beverly Hylick


Since you know it isn’t $3700.

How about getting organization-changing fundraising support for only $1297 sound?

THAT’S STILL NOT THE PRICE! We love what you do, way more than that. Our goal is to help, not hurt your budget. Click the buy now button below to get started at a price that will make you smile inside and outside! (Registration ends when all 50 slots are filled. On or before Friday 9/8 at 7:59pm Est.)

“The first day of this course, blew my mind. Michelle talked about the “Robin Hood syndrome” and I knew that my organization was guilty. But, we didn’t know any other way of doing things. By the first month,we have implemented many of the plans, and our passive donor response is through the roof! Before now, I never even knew the term passive donor response, but I do now. Even if you have to find something to cut, just to get this course, do it! You will get it back, and more. Seriously you will not regret it.”
Tina Williams, Mercy Outreach


The organizations and individuals who need Fundraising on Autopilot™ are a diverse collection of causes, missions, organizations and niches.


Fundraising on Autopilot™ is the program for you if you want to grow donor support 24/7, 365, while you focuse on maximizing your mission.



Executive/Development Director


If you are the person responsible for making your budget, you need Fundraising on Autopilot™ . Having every tool available to grow, retain, and inspire giving is your priority. We give you a community of smart people to keep the ideas flowing. Don’t get stuck in a “development disaster” again.


Civic/Community Group


Fundraising as a group can be less pressure on one person, but without training, your goals are only as attainable as your weakest link. Once you get Fundraising on Autopilot™, you have a system to show your members the best ways to approach getting donations. The training videos are available for download to share again and again. (Be kind, and use for your organization only.)


New/Pre Launch Organization


So, you’ve got an amazing cause that you are passionate about. How do you grow support and turn casual interest into solid supporters? Fundraising on Autopilot™ will help you begin the right way. The training helps you to have the right mindset, approach, and community to create meaningful donor communication and support, FROM DAY ONE.


Small Nonprofit


No matter how small or niche-focused your cause is, if you are working to make the world better, there are people waiting to support you. Fundraising on Autopilot™ will help you connect with supporters across the globe, and inspire them to stay connected with you.


Cause-Focused Group


Fundraising for a cause or mission takes passion. But, it also takes support. You don’t have to be Robin Hood to grow your mission. Fundraising on Autopilot™ will show you how to give first, and receive often.


Board Member


You have committed your time to support something you believe in, so make sure that the organization has a systemic process to continually reach its fundraising goals. Fundraising on Autopilot™ is the perfect tool for unifying those whose experience is diverse in other areas. Using targeted training that gets your organization a singular focus, will help to build unity and strengthen your ability to reach your goals.


College/University/School Fundraiser


Educational programs change the way people live and learn. Having partners who are committed to that change are key for long-term success. Fundraising on Autopilot™ is perfect for showing you how to love on your alumni, parents, and partners so that they love you right back.


Church/Ministry Group


Faith based organizations begin with focusing on serving their members. Yet, many have a difficult time getting the support to meet the costs associated with that service. The core premise of Fundraising on Autopilot™ is to serve first and to connect in a way that inspires your members to serve and support your mission.


Executive Fundraiser


No matter how long you’ve been fundraising, Fundraising on Autopilot™ these tools will help you do it better. With continual updates, support from a community and resources to aid you in low/no cost fundraising gifts, you will be able to offer your clients even more ways to reach their goals, and solidify your service.

My mission is to make sure that you reach yours.

Heard everything about fundraising? I don’t think so.


While Fundraising on Autopilot™ covers fundraising, the course begins by making sure that you have a firm foundation in growing a wide base of interest in your cause.

You learn how to reach more people, and turn casual interest into passionate partnership and dedicated donors. The course is a detailed and comprehensive complete with basic how to’s as well as more advanced techniques.

From your first “hello”, to “here’s how your partnership has helped”, Fundraising on Autopilot™ has you covered.


I teach you how to get more engagement from your email list and increase your donor support with every email.

I show you how to write copy that converts. Tell the story of your product, service, membership gift or event that creates interest what makes people interested.

I share with you that one thing that Switches you from being and interesting nonprofit to an irresistible cause…. without spending a lot of time or money.

Fundraising on Autopilot™ is where you learn how to fundraise 24/7 – 365, in a way that your donors and potential new members actually benefit. Stress, free, beg free, shipping free, and in most cases membership gifts are free free to you! That’s what makes it Fundraising on Autopilot™ .



Seriously, having a fundraising course that just covers fundraising is like getting a cellphone that only makes phone calls.


Learn strategies to grow your email list so that you have a line of interested people formed before you even launch a product, program, or event.


Fundraising on Autopilot™ changes your thinking about how you connect with people and inspire them about your cause. They give based on this deep connection with you.


Best yet, no more “I didn’t get my thank you gift” calls from angry donors. Donors get gifts, “On Demand”, at their own schedule, while you focus on your organization’s mission.


Your organization needs Fundraising on Autopilot™ .


A board member heard Michelle speak at a conference, and forwarded me her info. Our organization couldn’t afford to have her consult us, but we watched every video she put out, and couldn’t wait till she launched Fundraising on Autopilot™. The cost for the program is just a fraction of what she has saved us in shipping, and membership premium expenses. Don’t wait, sign up now!

Jessica Mann

How does the course work?



Don’t have time to start a course now? No problem.

Get Fundraising on Autopilot™ today and start next week.


Or next month. Or next season.


Either way, it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.


You can download the videos, and reference the workbook, again and again.


You also get one year of access to our private mastermind group, leadership calls with other key leaders.

The connections and accountability to do grow your organization and your circle… all in one little course!


We have an official start of the program, but you can go at your own pace and in your own time.



What does Fundraising on Autopilot™ include?


Training modules that are yours to download and keep to train your staff (be nice and share with your organization only)


Lifetime access & updates


Fillable PDF workbooks & cheat sheets


Daily (free) access to Michelle in the mastermind group


A private support group with guest experts in corporate and nonprofit funding


Bonus courses & trainings



But about the group…
The Fundraising on Autopilot ™ Mastermind is truly one of the best parts (and well worth the cost of the entire program).

Housed in a Facebook group, our mastermind is a great resource for support and solidarity — not to mention daily coaching and accountability from me!

Some course creators jump ship after a course launches. Not me. I am present providing tips, guidance, and the latest information.


I also get insider access to top coaches in both corporate and nonprofit fundraising to provide private sessions as well.

(And you have 12 months of free access as a bonus. That is a $99 per month value)


Fundraising on Autopilot™


You have an amazing cause, your passion to get the work done is high, but you still need support from amazing donors, partners and members. So it’s not a matter of if you need training to create automatic systems to fundraise for your 24/7, but rather where you should go to get that training.


If I was making this kind of investment for my organization, I would also want to make sure it was a comprehensive course that covered the old, the new, the borrowed… well, EVERYTHING that would help me grow my fundraising and increase the passion from my partners about my organization’s cause.


Something that would teach me how to turn casual interest in my cause to passionate donors and partners.


Actually, it would be great, if my organization could have…


Fundraising on Autopilot™



(See what I did there?)



Ok.. Ok…. So how much is it?

Tadaaaa. You have found what you seek. Registration for this promotion is only $697. Click the button below to begin your journey.

You support your cause, we support you. (Registration ends when all 50 slots are filled. On or before Friday at 7:59pm Est.)


I was one of “those people”. I have been an Development Director for years, and thought that I was immersed in the latest and least resistant ways to raise funds.

I thought that I knew everything, but my organization still wasn’t growing. Michelle showed my team a better way of growing our exposure while having fun connecting with current and potential donors… and paying NOTHING for premium gifts. “Mind Blown”



Sign up for Fundraising on Autopilot™. You will not regret it.”

Shaylla Price

Ok.. Ok…. So how much is it?

You just passed it! Click the BUY NOW button above, to get started at a price that your board members will love. Yes board members can love something that you do!

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