You Are Here, You Are Ready, Let’s Do This!



Get ready for a life-changing blast. BUT…. Like all boot camps, you will have to do the work to get the results.

For the next 5 days, make the time to stop, open the email and be inspired. Spend a few minutes meditating on the info. Unlike other bootcamps, sweating is optional.

But, before we start I want to tell you a few things. (Also, See the video below!)


Reply to the email that got you here. This lets me and the team know that you are getting the emails. You have paid for amazing information, we want to make sure you get it, and not your spam folder!

Download and read DOUBT KILLERS. It is our official reference and will give you a jump start on the great lessons each day. Download it to your phone to crush doubt on the spot.

During the bootcamp the Leading at Life Group is where we hang out. Pop in and say hello, use this access to your best advantage. In the next 5 days, you will have an exercise that requires a bit of public speaking (or public typing). This page is your safe zone.

Relax – You have chosen to invest your time and brain in making yourself better and more powerful. My job is to give you the tools to do it. The plan will work, when you work the plan.

Watch the video below – It’s your first official warm hug from me!


Be excited when you go to sleep tonight! LESSON 1 will be in your inbox first thing tomorrow morning.


Try to spend a few minutes before your day gets started to jump into the daily lesson. It should only take you 15 minutes, and some thoughtful reflection in the shower and in your morning routine.

I advise doing this first thing in the morning, because we are working on shifting your mindset. By motivating you early, you will be able to crush any negative stuff and be pumped up to conquer the world for the entire day! Keep a pen and paper at your bedside and write down your thoughts.

I created this whole course in hopes that YOU would find it. My hope is that your life changes so that you can change the world!!!!! Honestly.

When I first got the idea to do this, it was because I kept meeting amazing people who had awesome talents, brilliant minds and hearts of gold. Yet, fear and doubt kept them from sharing that amazingness.

In each case, after a couple of sessions, they began to see that they could be the awesome person that they already were… but kept hidden from the world. That is my goal for you!

See you in the morning!


P.S. Even though we have less than a week, if you do the work, the results can last a lifetime!


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